Discover Wilsonart's HPL designs for commercial and residential applications, where durability and sustainability take center stage. Select your design, finish, and performance features from our On-Demand options, or explore our curated collection of popular in-stock designs.
Color, beauty and texture from decades of old peeling paint give Chestnut Milk Paint a firm sense of history and a rustic character. The scraped and stained rust color enhances the unique timeworn charm of this design.
VDL Price Group 1
Our Sample Finish:
Finish option availability is dependent on the selected laminate product type
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<p>A medium scale tumbled stone laminate design. This orange brown design has highlights of light beige with distressed areas of sienna and blue-green.</p>
<ul class="lam_feat">
<li>This design is part of the Non-Promoted Home Collection.</li>
<li>Approximate Design Repeat Width*: 31"</li>
<li>Approximate Design Repeat Length*: 36.5"</li>
Our Sample Finish:
Finish option availability is dependent on the selected laminate product type
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Free Standard Shipping in 7–10 business days. For expedited shipping, please call Customer Support at 1-800-433-3222.
<p>A medium scale granite laminate design. Mid tones of gold and amber with a balance of brown and black hues cover an off white background.</p>
<ul class="lam_feat">
<li>Approximate Design Repeat Length*: 49"</li>
<li>Approximate Design Repeat Width*: 31"</li>
Our Sample Finish:
Finish option availability is dependent on the selected laminate product type
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Free Standard Shipping in 7–10 business days. For expedited shipping, please call Customer Support at 1-800-433-3222.
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